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Food Sensitivities Test

Take the guesswork out of your diet

1 h
Starting at $275-385
Customer's Place

Service Description

Do you suffer from chronic itchy skin (sometimes referred to as eczema)? Do you have allergy symptoms (runny nose, itchy eyes) that you just can't explain? Do you experience intestinal issues (Chron's, IBS, bloating) that don't seem to get better no matter what you do? Do any of these symptoms sound like you: acne, brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, acid reflux, headaches/migraines, diarrhea, These symptoms may be caused by the foods you eat. We take for granted what we eat sometimes and rarely do we think that it's the food that may be the cause of our unwanted symptoms. There are 3 negative ways your body can react to food. Food allergy, food sensitivity, and food intolerance. + Food allergy is classified by an immediate immune response that triggers a histamine reaction. These reactions can be quite severe, presenting as hives or even anaphylaxis. + Food intolerance is classified by the body's inability to break down (metabolize) certain foods, usually due to the lack of the enzyme needed to break down the food. Symptoms usually present as flatulence, bloating, and sometimes diarrhea. . + Food sensitivity is hard to classify and can present as any number of symptoms (as mentioned at the beginning) and can be very generic and non-specific. The reaction is normally delayed by days and even weeks after consuming the food. Many people can go their entire life without knowing they have a food sensitivity and live their life with symptoms that they just can't explain. An example of food sensitivity is sensitivity to gluten that can cause fatigue, cramps, bloating, and many other symptoms. How can you tell if you have a food sensitivity? Unlike a food allergy, that happens immediately with very defined symptoms and produces an IgE-mediated (immunoglobulin E) response, a food sensitivity may go undiagnosed or the symptoms may be attributed to something else. Food sensitivities can produce an IgG-mediated response that can be detected with a blood test. These tests can look at the body's IgG response to a wide range of foods and quantifies the severity of the response. We offer Basic Panel 125+ Antigens and Enhanced Panel 220+ Antigens. Here's how the test works: We send you a testing kit which comes with full instructions how do the blood test, if you're uncomfortable we can walk you through it step-by-step or if you're close to our clinic our in-house pharmacist can perform a test. For more information about the food sensitivities test, Contact us.

Contact Details

Home-based (Virtually) + IN-PERSON Holistic Pharmacy & Nutrition (HPN), Scarlet Way, Bradford, ON, Canada

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