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Is it possible to start heart disease in the Gut?

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

An unhealthy intestine is the last understated way to overexpress small, dense LDL particles in the body. In the sanctuary of our intestines, there is a particular bacterial population. These bacteria are usually friendly and invisibly improving our lives. But bacterial fragments may be 'blended' into our circulation when we neglect to keep their house turf, causing significant problems.

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), also known as bacterial endotoxin (meaning internal toxin), is a standard bacterial component. This endotoxin is kept safe in your intestines under normal circumstances, much like the very corrosive hydrochloric acid in your stomach. However, unlike the stomach, the lower GI tract is a place where nutrients are actively transported. This is a reasonably selective system, but the hindrance to controlling these transactions may become improperly porous due to our western diets and lifestyles, allowing LPS to get through.

Our bodies can provide a means of controlling damage by transferring LDL cholesterol carriers, such as fire brigades, to the rescue service. LDL particles are thought to serve an antimicrobial purpose, containing LPS binding sites to absorb LPS renegade.

When the liver senses that LPS has entered through inflammation, the LDL production is increased to bind. Therefore, the chronically "leaked" intestine can drive LDL through the roof. Furthermore, after LDL is attached to LPS, endotoxin can influence the liver's ability to remove these toxic particles, creating a double problem. For this very reason, a small but growing number of cardiologists believe that heart disease originates in the intestine.

Here are only a few ways to protect your intestines from promoting healthy LDL levels:

1. Eat a lot of fibre. Dark leafy grass, such as spinach and kale, asparagus, artichokes and alloys, such as garlic, onion, leeks and shallots, are excellent fibre sources. Start slowly and move on to prevent digestive discomfort.

2. Double on raw food containing probiotic materials, such as sauerkraut. My favourite personal choices are Kimchi and Kombucha.

3. Enter a lot of polyphenols. Get a lot. You and your intestinal microbes are directly benefiting from this. Extra virgin olive oil, coffee, dark chocolate and berries are good sources as well. Onions also support the proper functioning of the intestinal barrier.

4. Cut the sugar in your diet, especially in the form of fructose added. Fructose is not only increased by intestinal permeability but also by circulation leakage, whether from organic table sugar (50 percent fructose, 50 percent glucose), agave syrup (90 percent fructose) or high-fructose corn syrup (which is 55 percent fructose). Long live your strength!

5. Remove the wheat and processed food from the diet. The potential to expand the 'pores' of intestinal fillings is gluten (a protein found in wheat and added into various processed foods). Low fibre and additives common to processed foods may amplify this effect.


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