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Nutrition, Medicine, Health, and YOU

Disease is caused by multiple factors; exposure to toxins, genetics, poor nutrition, viruses or bacteria, or things we just don’t know yet. Some of these causes we can control and others we cannot, so let’s focus on the things we can.

Exposure to toxins and viruses/bacteria. We can limit our exposure through avoiding known toxins and proper hygiene for viruses/bacteria. Wear proper protective equipment if ever required to handle toxins (e.g. gloves if using cleaning products, breathing masks to lessen airborne exposures). If we do get exposed to toxins or viruses/bacteria, you should first limit ongoing exposure, then you will be put on therapy that helps get rid of the toxin or virus/bacteria (e.g. antibiotics, antivirals, antidotes). Usually after proper treatment you return back to normal.

Disease caused by poor nutrition. Many diseases are very closely linked to poor nutrition and a poor lifestyle in general (e.g. diabetes, heart disease). I believe that we have a lot of control and a lot can be done to prevent diseases caused by a poor lifestyle. Proper eating isn’t always easy; work, family, the abundance of convenient unhealthy choices, but it doesn’t have to be hard. With proper planning, and a little guidance, we can all make steps to PREVENTING poor nutrition from being one of the causes of disease.

If we do develop a disease due to poor lifestyle, we will be advised to change our lifestyle and maybe be put on some medication. In most cases the medication is only a temporary band-aid to help slow the progression of the disease or to help prevent any critical harm in the near future. But just like the exposure to toxins or viruses/bacteria we have to fix/remove the thing that is causing the disease is the way we can get back to our healthy self. We must use a combination of medication and lifestyle changes to really make an impact on our health.

Health cannot be solely managed by one person; it takes a team and multiple approaches make a real difference. The most important person in that team though, is YOU. You need to first recognize that you need to make changes. You need to be proactive in making these changes. You need to be involved in the decisions around your health because you know you best. Find people who want to work as a team for you and your goals. Take charge of your health.

What are your method for a healthy lifestyle? comment below.

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